
Received 4 Awards. See Awards

Left 4 Dead/Left 4 Dead 2 mapper

  • 4

Reviews by jakoman

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    -Bots were helpful
    -So many great features: explosive barrels, mounted gun, multiple difficulties, predetermined weapon selection, supply caches, traps, breakable walls, and there were more that I'm probably forgetting
    -It seemed like a good layout
    -The general portal-esque feel of the environment was very nice
    -I loved the custom skins and textures included


    -It was incredibly hard to utilize most of the features, because as R@G3QUIT mentioned, it is very hard to find any good place to hold out
    -I don't know if you changed the spawn rates, but if you did, I strongly recommend you leave that to the director. I know it's survival, but the horde seemed overly relentless on this map
    -I know that this is probably part of the intent, but without any defining landmarks  besides maybe the tower and the spot where the starter is, this map is very hard to navigate without getting lost.


    A very well put together map with plenty of the things that make survival fun to start out with, but unfortunately a lot of it is lost as easily as the player is. I'm thinking this is probably a lot more fun if you play it with your friends than with bots. I think its important to remember that players expect to pick up a map right away. In team fortress 2, it takes time to really grasp a map, but left 4 dead and left 4 dead 2 maps are designed to be obvious and immediately revealing.

    This review was posted before the latest release.

Published Items

  • Map
    Dead Depot

    Trapped in a small town block with plenty of supplies, the survivors' will be forced to fight until the bitter end. Includes alleyway, apartment/store, loading dock, supply yard, and hardware store. WARNING: Very difficult map. Copyrigh...

  • Map

    The survivors are once again doomed to failure on a small rocky coastline. This map includes features such as a mounted gun, a deadly fall, and an evil director. Also zombies. Good luck! **Update**: Just released a gameplay video if you'...


End of results.