
Reviews by ThaElf

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  • Pros:

    - Detailed map design
    - To explore everything is worth it
    - Nice Metro 2033 touch
    - Good use of tasked forwarding
    - Feels like being among the dead
    - Custom music + props


    - Few missing objects
    - A tad emptiness on the waterside
    - On top of radiational ground also feels too empty
    - Last crescendo is a tad too hard, bot pathing is horrid
    - The car in crescendo is bit awkward moving, also very unpersonal looking
    - Spawning between maps is sometimes very buggy, they should be reinspected as there where solid wall spawns as well as spawn splits with permadeath problem


    The map in design is very very good looking and feels neat. BUT there are minor bugs which should be ironed. When the bugs get sorted this map truly shines.

    This review was posted before the latest release.

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