
Received 3 Awards. See Awards

One thing about me is that when I do a review I NEVER write none for a con. In my opinion people who write that there are no cons for a mod or map are either too stupid to mention any or just want to make a mod THEY like look good. Problem? Sue me

  • 3

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Reviews by jman1015

All Reviews
  • Pros:

    +Great textures!
    +Beautiful, really makes the environment of l4d2 look more realistic in my opinion.
    +Lights up making the map more fun to play in.
    +Managed to fix that Dark Carnival glitch now. Looks great!
    +Looks like now there is one for every official campaign. Nice!


    -Really the only thing I can say about this is the Hard Rain skybox. In the first two maps there should be a lot more clouds considering it is about to rain down really hard. Same with the last three, there are more clouds, but it seems way too bright to be in a huge thunder storm. (-0.3) 


    Beautiful. This has got to be the greatest skybox mod so far. Absolutely love it! Maybe work on the Hard Rain one a bit more if you ask me.

Published Items

  • Mod
    Heartbeat HUD - Revisited (No Icons)

    This is a remake of Dr. Cheyenne Moon's old animated heartbeat HUD. All I really did was remove the portraits and weapon icons that came with the original because I noticed not a lot of people liked them very much. With this, you can use...

  • Mod
    The End of the Battle (Death Music)

    This is music from Shadow of the Colussus. It is the music that plays after you defeat of a colussus. In my opinion it brings more feel of sadness when a player dies then the original. This also works in l4d1. .VPK Install: Simply place...

  • Mod
    L4D2 Realistic Chainsaw Sound (read changelog)

    This is a chainsaw sound that is a lot more realistic than the default chainsaw sound. This sound was NOT created by me all credit goes to Ineedascotch of gamebanana and I did get permission to reupload this. Now before you ask for a vid...

  • Mod
    Sam B Concert & Jukebox

    This replaces the concert and jukebox's 'Midnight Ride' and 'One Bad Man' with the songs 'Who Do You Voodoo' and 'No Room in Hell' by Sam B in Dead Island and Dead Island Riptide. If someone could make a video demonstrating the mod that ...


End of results.