
Reviews by WalkingDead2k13

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  • Pros:

    Everything you could imagine
    Piece of Art
    Random Events
    Fuel Gun Window Choice
    The Gauntelts
    The Events
    Zombie Numbers


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    Im not that good in writing pro and cons, cause there are in my opinion just awesomeness ! This is really by far the best campaign ever i played in a Video game. This really matched my idea of how a game should be. im really thankfull to the creator: Nililanth. You made a MASTERPIECE OF ART ! a personal milestone in my 20+ years gaming career. 
    It remembered me to the movies, Cube, Cabin in the Woods, Resident Evil. Simply stunning and beautiful campaign ! 
    I wont spoil anything here cause i already finished the Alpha Campaign with my Gunnery Run4Cova. i hoped and just wish to have more of this ! i had tons of ideas ion how to create such things as you did, but not half the talent that you have in you ! 
    Thank You ! Most Respect and Honor for you !

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