
Received 26 Awards. See Awards

Find me on Steam as Roflmahwafflz Send me a PM on gamemaps before inviting me on steam or I will ignore the invite. If you have any ideas for maps or you think you know how to improve my maps send me a PM.

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Reviews by Roflmahwafflz

All Reviews
  • A broken start with a nice finish

    This campaign had a real turn around at one point, so im going to grade it separately, one section for the first four maps, one section for the last two maps. 
    A lot of the issues are continuous throughout the campaign, so I cannot really name anything in specific. Basically every 10 steps you see the same issues repeat. From floating props to massive holes in geometry or just outright mismatched edges.
    First Four Maps:
    The first four maps had serious design flaws, broken and easily abused nav mesh to the point where I could literally play "the floor is lava" but with zombies.
    Map 1 had an insufferable amount of witches which made expert mode a little more challenging.
    A massive lack of invisible walls as boundaries on the playable area made it very easy to get outside to the edge of the map. On pretty much all four maps.
    Lack of directions on map 1 and a pointless underground tunnel made navigation on an otherwise short map a pain in the ass.
    Floating props, floating geometry, disconnected geometry, massive holes, missing textures, copy/paste houses, forcefully colored cars (use skins instead, or change the color of cars compatible with color changes)
    Slow train event
    No L4D2 Items AT ALL.
    Long, winding, empty maps with lack of supplies and seemingly increased amounts of witches and tanks made expert a pain in the ass.
    Maps are too dark, theres a good dark and a bad dark, this was a bad dark especially on map 1... map 2, 3, and 4 werent as bad.
    Last Two Maps:
    Terrible transition between map 4 and 5.
    Spawn underground on map 5.
    Several eyesores, some guns standing up at weird angles, lack of player leading.
    Visually pleasing compared to the first four maps, the last two dont suffer from the same issues the first four suffered from.
    Levels are more brief, which is nice.
    Levels arent as empty as the first four.
    Exploreable areas with items.
    L4D2 Items.
    Good finale, brief, not too difficult.
    Still a few nav exploits possible, a few "god areas" and a few places where getting out of the map is possible.
    Fun random death hole at the top of the stairs of the finale map, made for some entertainment.
    Overall the last two maps were this campaign's only redeeming quality, and allowed the experience to end on a less than sour note. Rated 2/5, not the worst ive played, but the first four maps need a serious overhaul because there were glaring issues and I swear the person I was playing with died a little inside at the sight of some of them.
    If you put some work into refining the first four maps to coherently match the last two maps, then your campaign would be all the better for it.

Published Items

  • Map
    The Final Stand
    Alpha N/A

    THE FINAL STAND|| ---------------- Having heard rumor of abandoned anti-personnel weapons, the survivors took a little road trip up into Trayarc Pinewood Park. Unabated, they managed to reach an abandoned mini-depot where the weapons wer...

  • 6 Maps
    Storming The Citadel
    Alpha N/A

    For anyone that couldnt figure it out, this project is abandoned in favor of other projects. If you liked the concepts then rest safely in the knowledge that they are being improved upon with future projects.

  • Map
    L4D2 The Terminal Survival
    Alpha N/A

    The terminal from L4D1's Dead Air - In L4D2 - Ported to survival! The survival port revolves around the van area and has been slightly modified to be survival friendly. New Weapon Placement New Item Placement Small Changes To Environme...

  • Map
    Highrise Survival

    I have brought over my rendition of Modern Warfare 2 : Highrise Contains a massive quantitiy of munitions spread evenly throughout the map at various points. I have supported and brought in all original areas from MW2 Highrise, if you ...

  • Map
    Hallow's End : Wrath of the Horseman
    Alpha N/A

    Prepare yourselves, the bells have tolled! Shelter your weak, your young and your old! Each of you shall pay the final sum! Cry for mercy; the reckoning has come! ---- Fight the Headless Horseman in this unique boss arena ---- Boss fight...

  • Map
    Boss Challenge Arena
    Alpha 6.3

    Originally when I set out to make this project I wanted to create "season based content" this is not something I could further drive through. Instead this served as a testing ground for boss theory. Soon I will unveil a true boss map/cam...

  • Map
    Pizza Hut Survival
    Alpha N/A

    Coach is hungry, so while passing through New Orleans they decided to stop at the nearest open Pizza Hut, little did they know the zombies were waiting. Now they are trapped and must hold out at the Pizza Hut Buffet, how long will they m...

  • Map
    Breaking Bad: RV Defense
    Alpha N/A

    The survivors stumbled upon the long since abandoned Fleetwood Bounder formerly owned by Heisenberg in a abandoned shantytown in the middle of New Mexico. The meth and most of the cooking tools are gone, but it still makes a great zombie...

  • Map
    Mental Madness : To Oblivion
    Alpha N/A

    The survivors have contracted bog fever, in their state they found their way into point Alpha located west of the plantation house (swamp fever) they located a radio and must call the military to rescue them before the bog claims another...

  • Map
    Halls of Death
    Alpha 9.3

    A new death run with innovative traps and a nasty horde to boot. Run through a trap filled facility with anything from crushers and rock drops to lava pits and death falls. You can race your friends or play through with them. Impede thei...


End of results.